Tuesday, August 02, 2011


 FINALLY my pocket watch necklace came :')

Not gonna lie, it's a lot smaller than I expected. It's roughly the size of a 10p piece, but I was expecting it to be about as big as a.. urr.. I don't know what to compare it with, so..

But overall its seriously yummy and uber cute! It ticks and shows the time too, and clicks open just like I wanted :') I lurrrveee it!

Have you noticed how I managed to get my hair looking somewhat half decent today too? The colour's looking good too.. Not what I wanted, but it's alright :) I've got an awesome idea for when I next dye it, which will be awesome. Today is great so far!

Happyyyyy :')
If you would like to buy the necklace, it can be found here on ebay.
Sorry its been a while since a post, not much has happened, but I've got some nice ideas for posts for the next few days. Hello August!

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