Wednesday, August 03, 2011

i'm so forgetful. and that i'll confess.

I realise I said that my June playlist would be up tonight, but I've been busy! I was bombarded with notifications on FaceBook when I posted 22 confessions! And Marko came online! My first chat with him in ages :') June playlist will take a while, so in the mean time, I'd like to say HELLO! to all my international friends that I've just noticed have been viewing the blog, and as a treat, here are my confessions - just so you learn more about me!

‎1. I am SHIT scared of hairdressers.. like.. so bad. I don't even know why?! But yeah, I haven't been in over a year, I do it all myself :L

‎2. I'm really happy with my body and my appearance. That doesn't make me vain, it just means that I've got self confidence, which is a big thing for a girl (or a guy!) and I think more people should love and be proud of who they are!

‎3. I get farrrrr too over excited when I find things like (Mg, Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2 - google it! It always makes me giggle being the nerdy little kid I am :')

‎4. I'm a hopeless romantic. All I ever do at Marko's is moan, and sleep. But mostly sleep. He doesn't like this very much because it means he cant do anything in his own house, but idc 'cause his bed is really comfy!

‎5. Saying that.. I don't like sleeping :L If there was some way to keep me awake all the time, I'd do it! I don't do very well on little amounts of sleep.. I get VERY grumpy.. Which is probably why I'm a bitch most of the time :)

6. I'd love to be a mum. I know it's stressful and bloody painful, but it's amazing to know that you created a life.

‎7. In my head, I am a much better singer/drummer/guitarist than I actually am. I get very jealous of people that can do better than me.. Which is.. everyone.. ¬¬

‎8. I love trains! Omg I could just ride on one all by myself all day with just my headphones in.. So relaxing :')

‎9. I want to be a hippy. Long wavy hair, floaty dresses, acoustic guitar, VW camper van.. Just.. Really girlie and hippy XD

‎10. Part of me wants to be Hayley Williams. It's so clichéd, but the hair, the lifestyle.. Me all over!

‎11. I never thought I would be, 'cause originally I thought everyone who was obsessed by it was weird, but I LOVE Twilight! I cried watching the newest trailer and I fall asleep listening to the scores :L

12. Up until about the age of 10, I was convinced that I was a secret princess, and that everyone I knew were just actors keeping my life a secret until I was old enough to know who I really was.. Part of me still feels the same now.. WHAT AREN'T YOU PEOPLE TELLING ME?!

‎13. My veins run with pure peanut butter.

14. Me and my mum have been thinking about prom since year 9. And I've almost bought dresses at least 3 times..

‎15. I love the idea of being both vegan and a Buddhist. It's just so amazing and peaceful and healthy and just overall really good! But I couldn't give up meat.. Soz..

‎16. I want to learn how to play the harp.

17. I tweet my favourite Huffee quotes. I think he's hilariously funny. My favourites are 'If god did not care, the world would be like Yate shopping centre' and 'I don't date girls with gills'. I also firmly believe he has a very pert bum.

18. Me and Marko have been together for.. 6 months-ish. But I still get butterflies when I get a message from him. Being in love is magical when you're with the right person ♥

‎19. I've always had the urge to paint my dog's claws. And dye some of his fur.. That cant be classed as animal cruelty can it?!

‎20. I HATE Christmas songs. They're so cheesy and ugh. Just like I hate how everyone that they're indie 'cause they like Olly Murs and Ed Sheeran. I like them, but the fact that chavs think they're so cool listening to them makes me sick.

21.  I have a map of the fairy worlds on my wall. And I love it.

22. Apart from the fact its pink, my room might as well be a guys room. Dirty pants everywhere. It makes it feel homey :)

Hopefully this is a little insight into me!

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