Tuesday, August 30, 2011

dye time 3#

I'm thinking of making this into a series.. I swear I use a different dye each time!

This time I'm using Superdrug's own brand Colour Vibrance (which seems like a take on Live XXL colours) it's certainly the cheapest I've ever bought! At £3.75 (but also on offer for 2 for £5 something..) it's cheaper than even any semi perminant dyes I've used, so I'm a little worried on the quality, but we'll give it a shot! I'm using the 77.44 colour, 'Hot Red'. I appreciate that the lighting is terrible, but this is just a quickie to show you. On the box it appears to be a very bright, orange red - which is what I'm hoping to achieve!

Again, I know the lighting is terrible, but my current colour is somewhere between a light chestnut brown, with a kinda coppery hint. I'd love to keep it this colour, or maybe even lighten it up, but considering this is just how it's faded from the last dye job 5 and a half weeks ago (the longest I've gone without re-dying!) I know that I'm not really gonna be able to get it back this colour.. *sigh..*

First thing I noticed was how small a bottle the developer lotion was in and how big a tube the creme colour was in! It didn't say anything about washing your hair free of product, but it did say to apply it to dry hair, so although I had hairspray in, I used it anyway. The instructions have separate instructions for regrowth application (which is what I SHOULD be doing) but I'm just gonna chuck it all on!

As a little side note, this was the first dye I've ever used that says on the side that it's 'not recomended for use on under 16 year olds'. Odd.

When you first put it on it STINKS. And I mean like a bleach type smell. It gets better, but it's pretty strong! The dye in the bottle is peach colour, but when its been on your head for a while, it goes a deep orange and looks like it might stain, but rubs off with a wet cloth really easily. For what looks like a small bottle, this stuff goes really far! My hair isn't too long at the moment, but its pretty thick, and it covered all of it with dye leaving nothing left in the bottle. It took me 10 minutes to apply and I left it for 25. The box says 30 minutes for the type of application I wanted, but considering it took me so long to apply, it made sense to knock off some time. By the time I went to wash it off, it was blood red.

Washing it off was really good! All the stains on my face came off super easy, and it didn't feel too dry or like rough after the dye had been washed off before the conditioner went on. The conditioner was actually really good too!

For a £3.75 dye, I'm actually pretty impressed. I'm gonna post a picture tomorrow, because the light will be better and I'll have make-up on, but I'm very pleased so far!

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