Saturday, August 13, 2011

he's over 1100 miles away and yet my boyfriend still dresses me..

Marko is STILL in Serbia.. *sighhhhh* but there's only 8 more days 'till he comes home! But the other day, he decided that he wanted to dress me for my girlie night with one of my closest mates. And actually, he picked quite well!

Just trying out some of the apps on mah new phone as you can see! I LOVE retrocamera! It's basically an app that has loads of old style cameras to choose from that take a picture as if it was taken with one of those retro cameras. For someone like me that loves polaroids and vintage photography, it was perfect! And it was free!

Speaking of Marko, I got his postcard from Slovenia today.. A good 2 weeks after he sent it! But it made me smile 'cause some of the stuff he wrote is so typical him ^^

Ooh yeah! Look what I found earlier..

Acrylic Fake Spiral Ear Expander | Fake Stretcher | Illusion of 4mm Acrylic Spiral Expander | Black
Isn't this the coolest?! I've seen loads of people with real spiral stretchers and thought they were really cool, but the idea of spending agesssss stretching your ears seemed really boring, and it's not always good if you're trying to get a job, like me! So this is perfect! There's a few other sizes and styles, but these are the cheapest I've found - £2.95 plus £1.75 shipping on Amazon. I'm seriously considering getting one, even though I've heard that they can be very delicate. Has anyone bought one before? What do you think?

Just wanted to share that with you for now, along with a little note that I will be going away to Essex on Monday for a week to visit some family, so I doubt I'll be blogging during that time. Hope y'all liked the playlist yesterday!

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