Saturday, July 16, 2011

back in business baby!

So yesterday I bought my new laptop! :')
After about 3 months of having to use the stone age home computer, I can finally get back to doing everything I used to - meaning lots of blogging!

Wanna start off by saying that although its a lovely new laptop that's bigger better faster, etcccc.. I am going to really miss my old one :'( So many pictures have been lost, a book, old band videos, so many memories.. And I'm quite a sentimental person, so I've already had a cry to Marko.
But anyway! Time to move on!
..And upload about 60 Cds ><

So whilst I do that, I'm going to leave you with a link to a new song from a band who I am UBER excited to be going to see in October with my Mummy dearest!
Shuffle - Bombay Bicycle Club


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