Thursday, June 09, 2011

illness cured my boredom.

Day 4 of being sick and Mum shipped me off to school today. Baaaaad idea.
Felt crappy as anything, so hopefully I'll be getting tomorrow off!

I forgot to post the pictures last night, but I made those rainbow cakes I found on Kalyah's blog! Apart from the fact that Tescos didn't stock any blue food colouring, they came out pretty darn good! Anndddd! I had a bit too much chocolate frosting left over ;)


The photos don't do the colour any justice but they were really bright! And proper yummy too.

But this is just a quick little blog to let you know that I'll have a new header photo up later that I've designed and drawn myself (with a little help from and - I'm quite proud of it! ^^

But for now, toodle pip!

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