Tuesday, June 07, 2011

in sickness and in health..

I actually can't breathe.

I've been dying for the last few days, with a stupid bunged up nose, cough and general unwell feeling. And I had an exam yesterday morning. Fail.

Anywho. I came straight home after the exam and snoozed on the sofa, and that's pretty much all I've been doing since! Except for eating.. I had 8 hot dogs and 3 brioches today - just as a snack!

Today I feel an iddle better. I watched Death At A Funeral while painting my nails, and although I was quite focused on my nails, I thought it was quite a funny film! Much more interesting than I Love You Phillip Morris or whatever that I watched 5 minutes of before turning it off.

Right. Back to the point of the blog. 3 things!

Yesterday I was doing the Avon, when a lady turned around and said 'Oooh! I love your hair colour!'. As flattered as I was, I'm not entirely sure why she said it.
Up to about a week after dying it Cyber Purple, it was an awesome pinky purple colour. Really bright and vivid and shiny. But now.. Now its just some odd plummy brown colour.. It doesn't look too bad, but after seeing a blog, I intend to re-dye soonish!

That blog was the next thing I wanted to talk about.
I'm sure she wont mind me naming her, but one of my best friends, Suzie, saw I was feeling a little crappy and sent me the link to The Dainty Squid - which I am now addicted to! Kalyah (the writer) has some really awesome posts, from making multicoloured cupcakes (which I can't wait to try make!) to dying your hair, and from the look of her bright blue locks, she knows her stuff!
So go check that out. I promise it'll make your day.

The third thing was inspired by a tutorial Kalyah has on her blog - how to do polka dot nails.
I saw them and had to give it a try! I needed something to cheer me up!

Surprisingly, they came out pretty well!

As you can see, I just did two per nail, just to try, but I quite like it! It looks a lot cooler in person - trust me! I just hope my head of year doesn't see them and make me take it all off..

Behind my gorgeous hand, you can see one of my horrible snotty tissues. I despise having a blocked nose. My mouth is constantly open and I just look creepy. And it stings like a bitch! Soreeee.

Oh! I made myself a yummy hot chocolate earlier too. It was particularly nice as I added a little cinnamon to spice it up a little. Unfortunately we didn't have any marshmallows or cream, but I'll definitely be using cinnamon again!

Right, I'm gonna get an early night, as I know I'll feel even crappier tomorrow if I don't, so goodnight!

Just forgot! In my last post I mentioned a song that I can't stop listening to at the moment. It's from the New Moon soundtrack (hush! I like the film and the songs from it are actually very good!) and its called Hearing Damage by Thom Yorke. (who I've just discovered is part of Radiohead!)

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