Saturday, July 23, 2011

'it's like covering yourself in carrot purée..'

Woah. So I did it! Nothing like what I wanted, but it's okay. It looks alright. Cant imagine I'll keep it long though..

Firstly the dye itself. It was super super bright orange. Literally, it was carrot coloured. It was really promising when I was putting it on. Also, it seemed to go really far on my hair? And my hair is rather thick and long! I think there's still a fair bit left in the bottle, and I had loads on my hair. After being on my hair for about 15 minutes, it started going quite brownish, but I expected that. Smell was good too. Sometimes it can be really overpowering, but it was alright :)

(Psst! As I was writing this I found out that Amy Winehouse is dead! As a fellow 14th September baby, I feel deeply moved. RIP, your music is legendary)

When it was wet, you could tell it was gonna be on the dark side, so I was a little disappointed, but Live has never failed me before, so I was curious to see what it was going to be like dry. However, I was even more disappointed when it was dry..

This is what it looks like in different lights. Its rather dark, but it does have a reddish purpley tint to it. I think its growing on me. I think its really nice actually! Nowhere near what I wanted, so I am disappointed in that sense, but I lurrrvee it!

So for anyone thinking about buying Hot Cinnamon based on the model or colour chart, THINK AGAIN! Don't be fooled - it's a lot darker than you'll anticipate!

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