Tuesday, July 19, 2011

my boyfriend told me to get a life.. i beg to differ.

I'm probably not allowed to publish this onto here, but it's so funny I can't help myself.

Basically, I've been getting back into The Sims 2 over the last few days with mah new laptop, and I was downloading custom content when I found THIS read me..

'HEY YOU! Yes, you. Stop pointing at yourself, it's embarrassing. You've just downloaded a Starz Creation. YAY!!! Make sure you leave a comment or say thanks. A little appreciation goes a long way. Anyways onto the stuff you need to know.

All Images Copywritten to Starz and owners. (Digital Kingom/Digital Release/Release Creative Inc)

If any questions/comments/hate mail/love mail/compliments please send all mail to l********@gmail.com.

If you would like to bash me in real time my AOL Instant Messenger Alias is S**************.

Starz is not responsible for any problems your game might have. All items have been tested by three different people whose systems did not spontaneously combust. If your computer blows up, melts down, runs away, or your cup holder breaks, not my fault. I dun wanna hear about it.

You should only see my creations for TS2 on http://www.modthesims.info as of September 2006. Do not upload this file to the Sims.com exchange. Do not include this creation with any other upload. Link them back to me because basically I'm an attention whore. Any violation of these rules and my lawyer will eat your babies or your computer. Either is good.


If you'd like to see what I downloaded go here, and if you'd like to see more of Starz creations go here!
Back to The Sims now!

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