Thursday, July 28, 2011

ooh. nautical.

So I went shopping with Mummy dearest and I'm loving what's in the shops at the moment!

From Primark, I picked up these awesome anchor tights and blue and white espadrills, each for £1!

(If you like this, it can be found here!)

Then from Republic, I bought a dress very similar to this, but without the tie and with black polka dots on instead, for just £10! Its so vintage and 50s! It got me in the mood for some intense shopping 'cause there's some amazing sales on at the moment, but I'm totally broke :'(
Still waiting on my pocket watch necklace.. I'm so excited for it!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

one last post before i crash out on the dog..

I took a listen to the song behind the remix I posted earlier and BOY its a beauty! :')

I've also just noticed that you can hear her backing vocals really strongly on Flaws. Ironically, from Flaws.

my may playlist.. a month late.

Well better late than never right?! May was only a short playlist as obviously, I had very limited computer access during may, so here goes!

Diamonds Aren't Forever - Bring Me The Horizon
 -This song is a real teenage angst track. That opening line just does it all for me. Boom. That's your ponce pop music blown out of the room. Admittedly it's not their best record, but when you're in a 'fuck the world' kinda mood, this wins.

Feeling Sorry - Paramore
 -I think this is on here because I recently found a piss easy way of playing this. But its a great song. Its another one of those 'I don't give a fuck about you' type songs. I think Paramore is just an easy listen, any of their songs are worth a listen, but I might be biased on that one!

Fifteen Fathoms, Counting - Bring Me The Horizon
 -Can you believe this is by BMTH?! I love instrumental songs like this, and the fact that it sounds nothing like BMTH makes it that much more interesting to me. Its so calming and such an easy listen. Its really separated from all their other stuff. Its really well thought out. Love.

Love The Music, Hate The Kids - The Computers
 -I was introduced to The Computers by a fellow drummer who's band was doing a cover of another of their songs. The Computers mix screamo with the kind of pop punk guitar that you'd expect from The Hives, as a quirky mix, it works! The result is something rather beautiful that you'd easily imagine yourself moshing to at a gig.

Safer To Hate Her - You Me At Six
 -I'm currently writing my music GCSE composition and I'm basing it on this song. During May it was stuck in my head for all the right reasons. I love the contrast of the heavy intro to the almost acoustic harmonies you hear on the guitar in the verse. Its such a well thought out song, with some really clever lyrics that are so common from Josh Franceschi. And seriously. Those opening drums are just so good.

Tethered - Sleeping At Last
 -Tethered comes from April of Sleeping At Last's Yearbook EPs. I really love the idea of doing a whole year of EPs and months of just writing amazing songs. Sleeping At Last have some amazing acoustic and ambient tracks that make me feel so relaxed and sometimes even moved - like this.

A Little Closer - Francesqa
 -Francesqa were playing in Bristol a couple of months ago, and I really wish I'd gone. Their songs are just really fun. Its the kinda music that makes you want to sing along and dance to, without being overly cheesy or pathetic. These guys are gonna go far.

Goodness Gracious - Person L
 -I found this on a split single with a couple of Francesqa tracks. It makes me think of Envy on The Coast and The Black Keys mashed together. In my mind's eye I see a crowd of girls bowing down to the beauty of this track. I think I need to find more stuff by these guys. This is too good to leave at one song!

McFearless - Kings of Leon
 -I have so much love for classic Kings of Leon. Youth and Young Manhood is the greatest album known to man, in my opinion obviously.. But this song is just as good an example of why you need to go back from Use Somebody and Sex on Fire to really appreciate Kings of Leon. I just love how Caleb's lyrics make no sense whatsoever :') And the guitar is so simple, but so so so good!

One Last Dance - This Is Not A Game Of Who The Fuck Are You
 -TINAGOFTFAY was show to me by the boyfriend, who loves them to bits. I like them. I love the name. But I'm not as crazy on them as he is. However, this song makes me laugh for some reason? It's really very good. Another of those screamo with not so screamo guitar mixes.

Rescue Me - Chiddy ft. You Me At Six
 -This isn't usually something I'd listen to, even with You Me At Six (well.. just Josh really..) featuring on it. And to be honest, I don't LOVE this song in the same way I do the others. Josh's voice is far too autotuned for my liking.. But it's catchy, I'll give it that. And the video is quite nice. I'm just annoyed that YM@6 aren't actually in the video..

Crying Eyes - Taking Hayley
 -This is here because I only found out about this song after seeing it live at a colab gig. For a little band, they have a lot of power and sound like a signed band might. And the chorus has the kind of join in feeling that I look for when I go to watch a band I don't really know. Go give these guys some love - they work so hard!

M.A.D - Hadouken!
 -I never really liked Hadouken! at first. I used to find them annoying and too electro for my liking, but this track changed me. Not keen on the main melody thing in the intro. But I can imagine a crowd jumping and screaming along to 'you can bang the drum!'. Its a decent rave song, if that's your thing!

Blacklist - Bring Me The Horizon
 -Last song and it's another BMTH. I guess May was a scremo month for me! I love the lyrics to this more than anything. And that intro. Man what an intro. There's a BANG and you've been hit with ten tonnes of awesome pow. Punchy lines like 'with friends like you, there's no need for enemies', 'you don't miss a bastard until you're bearing his fucking cross' and 'I'd rather slit my wrists than keep in touch' you can see where all the rumours are coming from when you hear that it's supposedly about a past member. But still. Its a fucking good kick in the face.

That's May for you! I shall do my June playlist in a few days as it really is massive! But for now - good night!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

'it's like covering yourself in carrot purée..'

Woah. So I did it! Nothing like what I wanted, but it's okay. It looks alright. Cant imagine I'll keep it long though..

Firstly the dye itself. It was super super bright orange. Literally, it was carrot coloured. It was really promising when I was putting it on. Also, it seemed to go really far on my hair? And my hair is rather thick and long! I think there's still a fair bit left in the bottle, and I had loads on my hair. After being on my hair for about 15 minutes, it started going quite brownish, but I expected that. Smell was good too. Sometimes it can be really overpowering, but it was alright :)

(Psst! As I was writing this I found out that Amy Winehouse is dead! As a fellow 14th September baby, I feel deeply moved. RIP, your music is legendary)

When it was wet, you could tell it was gonna be on the dark side, so I was a little disappointed, but Live has never failed me before, so I was curious to see what it was going to be like dry. However, I was even more disappointed when it was dry..

This is what it looks like in different lights. Its rather dark, but it does have a reddish purpley tint to it. I think its growing on me. I think its really nice actually! Nowhere near what I wanted, so I am disappointed in that sense, but I lurrrvee it!

So for anyone thinking about buying Hot Cinnamon based on the model or colour chart, THINK AGAIN! Don't be fooled - it's a lot darker than you'll anticipate!

dye time again.

My roots are long. My colour has faded so bad, I cant even remember what it looked like before.. It's time to re-dye.

This time, in an attempt to get a similar shade as Luanna's from the lookbook I linked to a couple of posts ago, I've gone for Live XXL in Hot Cinnamon, but I'm very scared.

I've read a blog where someonne tried to dye to this colour before, and it ended up quite dark. Loads of people then commented saying their hair went almost black, so I am a little worried as I'm hoping it'll go a coppery red! As you can see, I'm having a lazy day. Its the summer holidays, what can yah do?

So at the moment my hair is a mix of red, pink and brown.. I'll post later with the results.
Here goes!


Just found this on YouTube, and as I can't add it to my monthly playlists, I decided to share it on here.

For anyone who is a fan of Bombay Bicycle Club, Jack Steadman has done a remix of BBC's backing singer's (Lucy Rose) track, Middle of The Bed. I've yet to look into it, but it sounds like Jack does loads of remixes like this, like this, like this, like this.. ;)

It's called Cheating.

Also! Paper Route have been tweeting some previews of new songs that I HAD to share with you - their new album is gonna be so good!
Here's Loveletters (there is another video here too!), Two Hearts, plus a little in studio video from them with a few clips on, herreeee.

Will be posting my very late June playlist later today.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

my boyfriend told me to get a life.. i beg to differ.

I'm probably not allowed to publish this onto here, but it's so funny I can't help myself.

Basically, I've been getting back into The Sims 2 over the last few days with mah new laptop, and I was downloading custom content when I found THIS read me..

'HEY YOU! Yes, you. Stop pointing at yourself, it's embarrassing. You've just downloaded a Starz Creation. YAY!!! Make sure you leave a comment or say thanks. A little appreciation goes a long way. Anyways onto the stuff you need to know.

All Images Copywritten to Starz and owners. (Digital Kingom/Digital Release/Release Creative Inc)

If any questions/comments/hate mail/love mail/compliments please send all mail to l********

If you would like to bash me in real time my AOL Instant Messenger Alias is S**************.

Starz is not responsible for any problems your game might have. All items have been tested by three different people whose systems did not spontaneously combust. If your computer blows up, melts down, runs away, or your cup holder breaks, not my fault. I dun wanna hear about it.

You should only see my creations for TS2 on as of September 2006. Do not upload this file to the exchange. Do not include this creation with any other upload. Link them back to me because basically I'm an attention whore. Any violation of these rules and my lawyer will eat your babies or your computer. Either is good.


If you'd like to see what I downloaded go here, and if you'd like to see more of Starz creations go here!
Back to The Sims now!

Monday, July 18, 2011

for gods sake marko..

And this is why you shouldn't leave your laptop unattended with homework on it when your boyfriend is around..


Saturday, July 16, 2011

impulse buying is good for me. just not for you.

Omigosh I've got so many good buys lately!

I've just come back from a long weekend in France with the school where I picked up some really yummy bits and pieces from markets and shops there. And it was so cheap too! Gotta love a cheap and gorgeous holiday buy :')
I picked up these pumps from a cute little market near Rue for 22 euros. They're made of real leather and are so cute and intricate! I'm just so worried of ruining them though, 'cause I wear pumps out so quickly >< But they are easily one of my favourite pairs of shoes.

Quick shop suggestion if you're going to france.. MIM. Whilst me and a couple of mates were there we got loads of reallyyyy nice and reallyyyy cheap clothes. I bought a jumper, a 3/4 sleeved top and a
boho purse for under 10 euros! How cheap is that?!

I've also just ordered a vintage style, working (hopefully!) pocket watch necklace from Ebay, for £1.89 (and compared to the £26 one I saw in Urban Outfitters, it's a steal!) which I will post a picture of when it arrives!

I also popped down to my local St Peter's Hospice today because I thought I'd seen an expansion pack for The Sims 2 a little while ago and I got a massive bargain there too! Not only did I get the Nightlife expansion pack, but I also picked up The Day After Tomorrow, Little Miss Sunshine and Weezer's blue album, all for...
4 QUID!!!

See. It just goes to show, charity shops are brilliant, not only as it goes towards a great cause, but also because you come back with some brilliant bargains!
Oh, in that picture you can see the jumper I got from France and you can also see that my hair is yet AGAIN a different colour XD

So the purple had faded so badly. It was far from purple anymore. In places it was purple, but in others I had: pink, orange, red, plum and brown.. My roots were getting really long, quite a few people were getting purple and I didn't really like the colour in the first place, so I opted for Garnier Nuttrise in Red. (Which is more of a reddy brown)

That was at least 2, if not 3 weeks ago, and my roots are beginning to show again and the colour has faded a lot, but you can see its much different. I'm just debating what to do next, as the last dye I used was too red than brown.. Eventually, I'd love to have hair like Lua P's! Its amazing!

For now, I can only dream.

back in business baby!

So yesterday I bought my new laptop! :')
After about 3 months of having to use the stone age home computer, I can finally get back to doing everything I used to - meaning lots of blogging!

Wanna start off by saying that although its a lovely new laptop that's bigger better faster, etcccc.. I am going to really miss my old one :'( So many pictures have been lost, a book, old band videos, so many memories.. And I'm quite a sentimental person, so I've already had a cry to Marko.
But anyway! Time to move on!
..And upload about 60 Cds ><

So whilst I do that, I'm going to leave you with a link to a new song from a band who I am UBER excited to be going to see in October with my Mummy dearest!
Shuffle - Bombay Bicycle Club
