Saturday, April 23, 2011

home, shaun of the dead, and easter bunnies.

Poor Milo had a haircut! :(

So I'm home!
Well I guess you didn't know I was away on holiday, but I spent 4ish days in a gorgeous little village by the sea, called Blue Anchor. It's about 5 or 6 miles from Minehead and its really really lovely :3

So anyway, we got home yesterday about 4 in the afternoon to quite a lovely day actually :) I also found that my replacement card had come through (thank GOD!), so I don't have to worry about that anymore.. Though it is always really annoying when you loose your purse.. Mine had some really personal stuff in :/
Oh well..
But Marko came over for a bit too! It was really good to see him after everything that's happened in the last week. I mean, it wasn't for long, and I was getting ready to go out, but I've missed him :(

So yeah.
After that, I went out to a friend's 15th meal/sleepover thingy. We went for an indian, then went back to hers for Shaun of the Dead, Sweeny Todd and a few episodes of Flight of the C onchords - Much love for those two!
It was really good to see everyone in what felt like so long. And I had my awesome new dress on! (photo down belowwww!) I found it in this little shop on the highstreet in Minehead, and fell in love with it so much, that when I passed it on the first day, I begged my parents to take me back the next so I could buy it! It was £24 and is my new summer fave.

Speaking of summer faves, anyone else get the new Jack Wills handbook through this morning? Its really good this month! I was so excited when I saw that PEGASUS BRIDGE were playing at the Polo! But really upset when I realised this years Polo is in Cambridge :(
I love those guys..

So tomorrow is easter sunday! We have a tradition in our house, that rather than buying loads and loads of chocolate, me and my brother get some money to spend on new clothes. This year I was in Primark when my Mum reminded me about the money I had, so I picked up some shorts, a vest top, and a necklace from there, all for £16. Then as we were heading home, I saw Apricot had a sale on, so picked up this lovely skirt, for £8! I'm on the lookout for a denim jacket now.. They go with everything!

Oooh actually, the necklace I bought is in this too. Its a collection of feathers, with gold leaves, coins and beads. For £2, I couldn't leave it!

Want to apologise for the quality of these photos.. I know they're mirror photos, but I'm 15, and really cannot afford anything better than that! Ugh! AND LOOK AT THE DIRT ON THAT MIRROR!
Hopefully if I post anymore outfit photos, they'll be better, but I didn't have much time to anything better than this for today :L

But yes! Here is my new summer fave, along with that vintage jumper I brought from motel (the one in the last post!)

Much love over the rest of the holidays, hope the Easter bunny is kind tomorrow!

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