Saturday, April 23, 2011

the band

As a few of you might know, I'm in a very very new band (of only a few weeks!) called Unjustified. We're just getting off our feet, so we dont have a facebook page or anything at the moment, but when we do, I'll be sure to link you to it!

In the meantime! I thought I'd link you to the other member's blogs :)

We're all very very different XD so I hope you enjoy!

First up is the wonderful singer (and soon-to-be bassist!), Miss Lottie Higginson, with her blog So Wrong, It's Right (yes, that IS All Time Low - if you're a fan, you'll love her blog!). So if you love Hollister and All Time Low, you're sure to love Lottie as much as I do! Go say hi!

And of course, I mustn't forget the most talented guitarist I know, Mr Joe Cullin with his blog Rantability. Joe is the little lost lamb in our band.. His head is full of metal mush XD oh he's gonna hate me for this :') But yes! If you yourself are a metal head, or as strongly opinionated as he is, you'll love him very much.

I'll be sure to keep you updated on the band as things progress.

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