Sunday, April 24, 2011

futures at the o2

So recently my gorgeous friend, Georgia, informed me about a gig that Futures were playing at the O2 Academy in Bristol in June.

Of course I HAD to get tickets for it.

But this isn't the point.
I just got a text from her saying that PEGASUS BRIDGE were supporting along with a band called Lower Than Atlantis!

And remember how I said I was upset that I couldnt see Pegasus Bridge at the Jack Wills polo?!

So I'm super excited for that! ^^

If like me, you love Futures and Pegasus Bridge, or even Lower Than Atlantis, you can still buy tickets for the Bristol show on the 1st of June here, and there are also links to shows in Oxford, Birmingham, Newcastle and Glasgow.

And if you'd like to stalk Georgia's tumblr, you can do here. ;)

Once again, happy Easter!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

the band

As a few of you might know, I'm in a very very new band (of only a few weeks!) called Unjustified. We're just getting off our feet, so we dont have a facebook page or anything at the moment, but when we do, I'll be sure to link you to it!

In the meantime! I thought I'd link you to the other member's blogs :)

We're all very very different XD so I hope you enjoy!

First up is the wonderful singer (and soon-to-be bassist!), Miss Lottie Higginson, with her blog So Wrong, It's Right (yes, that IS All Time Low - if you're a fan, you'll love her blog!). So if you love Hollister and All Time Low, you're sure to love Lottie as much as I do! Go say hi!

And of course, I mustn't forget the most talented guitarist I know, Mr Joe Cullin with his blog Rantability. Joe is the little lost lamb in our band.. His head is full of metal mush XD oh he's gonna hate me for this :') But yes! If you yourself are a metal head, or as strongly opinionated as he is, you'll love him very much.

I'll be sure to keep you updated on the band as things progress.

my april playlist

So its coming up to the end of the month, so I'd like to share with you my april playlist :)

Since the beginning of the year, I've been making playlists for each month, full of all the tracks I've recently found, or I've had on repeat for the whole month!
Some of these tracks are from bands you've probably never heard of, so I've not only linked you to the songs on YouTube, but also to the band's websites, so I hope you enjoy!

(Oh! Btw, if you like this list, and would like to hear more, you can find me on Spotify (imoz95) and on Grooveshark (imicooper) where you'll find more of my favourite tracks from previous months - the playlists do vary a little over the two sites)

They've got shorter and shorter as the months go on for some reason XD

A new indie rock band formed in London just last year called The Vaccines. You've probably heard some of their songs before, as they've shot to fame with their amazing début CD What Did You Expect From The Vaccines?
So for some reason, I walked into Physics on April 1st, singing the lyrics from this first song at the top of my lungs - after only hearing it once! Its as catchy as that.
Here it is. The Vaccines with Wreckin' Bar (Ra Ra Ra).

Right. Lets step back in time to August 2004, when duo Nizlopi released their first album 'Half These Songs Are About You' which included this amazing song. I was reminded of this a couple of weeks ago, thanks to a post my English buddy posted on facebook.
This little beauty is called JCB.

Here is first of two songs from one of my favourite rock bands My Chemical Romance! As controversial as these guys may be, you cannot deny that they have produced some beautiful material from their 4 studio albums and countless covers and demos.
So after a long and delayed wait for their 2010 album 'Danger Days: The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys', here is one of my favourite tracks from that record, DESTROYA. (bongos baby!)

So a few months ago, I was browsing through a copy of Rock Sound, when I saw a band that caught my eye. From Lexington, Kentucky, these guys are described as post-hardcore, but as someone who cant get enough of bands like Paramore, I do love these guys just as much! They're called Emarosa and with the iconic vocals of Jonny Craig (Dance Gavin Dance) they're slowly becoming one of my all time favourite bands.
This song IS from their most recent, self titled album. This is A Toast To The Future Kids!

This next song I was lucky enough to see in concert in November of last year. A band from Cardiff, Wales, I've got to say, Kids In Glass Houses are INCREDIBLE live. I can't wait for this summer, when their new album is set to be released.
From their 2010 album DIRT, here is a song that I cant get out of my head, Maybe Tomorrow.

Another welsh band here, who again, I've had the pleasure of watching live - my first ever concert! The Blackout have just released their 4th studio album, Hope, and from it, this is their 2nd release, Ambition is Critical. (the video for this contains footage from when I saw them live - see if you can spot me in the crowd!)

Back to My Chemical Romance! So as I'm sure you're aware, Japan has been devastated by earthquakes, tsunamis and flooding, so MCR have teamed up with relief workers to release a special edition of this song, which you can find out more about here.
But because I love it so much, here is SING.

Back to The Vaccines! I was roaming around on Spotify, when I noticed they've already released a live album! So this a live version of the first of their songs I fell in love with, Post Break-Up Sex.

There's been a lot of hype over this new, upcoming artist. He is an incredible one man wonder and is plastered all over sites like Facebook and Youtube. I was first linked to Ed Sheeran, by an old band member and very close friend of mine, and I've been interested ever since.
This isn't the version I found on spotify, but I love it just as much! This is You Need Me, I Don't Need You.

Another from Ed, but more chilled out and harmonic, which you can download for free from his website, this is Wayfaring Stranger.

Another amazing artist I've been lucky enough to see live - Plan B.
I first got into Plan B when a band who I used to play a lot of gigs with, covered his song, Charmaine. From then on I was hooked. Even with the release of his second studio album, The Defamation of Strickland Banks, which is very different from his first, to me, Plan B and his band are one of the best live acts about.
So from his second album, this is What You Gonna Do.

Finally, two songs from a band I can safely say are my all time favourite. I adore Paramore, and I'm always interested to see who their supporting acts are whenever they tour, as I like to see what kinda music they're into too. This is how I found some of the bands I really love, like The Swellers, fun. and these guys.
Paper Route are described as indie electro, and from Nashville, Tennessee they sound as amazing live as they do acousticly and on their records. In fact, they are so good, that when I was looking to buy their first full length album, Absence, I had to have it imported from the US especially, as you cannot buy it anywhere in the UK.
If they ever came and did a show in the UK, I would be the first to buy a ticket.
From their 2006 self titled EP, this is Second Chances and City Trucks.

I hope you've liked this! If you'd like me to carry on doing this as the months go on, please let me know :)
I'll be sure to link you to more tracks in future posts.

home, shaun of the dead, and easter bunnies.

Poor Milo had a haircut! :(

So I'm home!
Well I guess you didn't know I was away on holiday, but I spent 4ish days in a gorgeous little village by the sea, called Blue Anchor. It's about 5 or 6 miles from Minehead and its really really lovely :3

So anyway, we got home yesterday about 4 in the afternoon to quite a lovely day actually :) I also found that my replacement card had come through (thank GOD!), so I don't have to worry about that anymore.. Though it is always really annoying when you loose your purse.. Mine had some really personal stuff in :/
Oh well..
But Marko came over for a bit too! It was really good to see him after everything that's happened in the last week. I mean, it wasn't for long, and I was getting ready to go out, but I've missed him :(

So yeah.
After that, I went out to a friend's 15th meal/sleepover thingy. We went for an indian, then went back to hers for Shaun of the Dead, Sweeny Todd and a few episodes of Flight of the C onchords - Much love for those two!
It was really good to see everyone in what felt like so long. And I had my awesome new dress on! (photo down belowwww!) I found it in this little shop on the highstreet in Minehead, and fell in love with it so much, that when I passed it on the first day, I begged my parents to take me back the next so I could buy it! It was £24 and is my new summer fave.

Speaking of summer faves, anyone else get the new Jack Wills handbook through this morning? Its really good this month! I was so excited when I saw that PEGASUS BRIDGE were playing at the Polo! But really upset when I realised this years Polo is in Cambridge :(
I love those guys..

So tomorrow is easter sunday! We have a tradition in our house, that rather than buying loads and loads of chocolate, me and my brother get some money to spend on new clothes. This year I was in Primark when my Mum reminded me about the money I had, so I picked up some shorts, a vest top, and a necklace from there, all for £16. Then as we were heading home, I saw Apricot had a sale on, so picked up this lovely skirt, for £8! I'm on the lookout for a denim jacket now.. They go with everything!

Oooh actually, the necklace I bought is in this too. Its a collection of feathers, with gold leaves, coins and beads. For £2, I couldn't leave it!

Want to apologise for the quality of these photos.. I know they're mirror photos, but I'm 15, and really cannot afford anything better than that! Ugh! AND LOOK AT THE DIRT ON THAT MIRROR!
Hopefully if I post anymore outfit photos, they'll be better, but I didn't have much time to anything better than this for today :L

But yes! Here is my new summer fave, along with that vintage jumper I brought from motel (the one in the last post!)

Much love over the rest of the holidays, hope the Easter bunny is kind tomorrow!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Just thought I might show you something I bought a couple of weeks ago.. A Polaroid OneStep camera.
Finding cheap film for it is proving difficult thought. The cheapest I've found is about £15 for 8 shots. Which works out at almost £2 a shot..
That's quite expensive for someone like me!
But if anyone knows where I can get it cheaper, drop me a line :)

I also went out shopping yesterday and brought a gorgeous vintage cardigan from Motel. It cost me £22 and I already love it to bits! I've wanted one like it for ages.
Annoyingly, when I got it home, none of my family liked it.

Will try and post a picture soon.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I think my inbox is full of texts from you.
I can't stop talking about you.
I can't stop thinking about you.
I can't stop wishing things will be as perfect as they were before.

And I can't help but convince myself that they will be.

But part of me is so scared they wont.

I just need to see you again.

I'm so busy this holiday. I actually have no time for myself.. I don't know how I'm meant to do my homework!
Ah well. You've text me. I'm off.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

love. and all things fucked up.

It seems. Or to me at least.. That I'm falling in love from afar.
We talk.. Oh we talk.. But I guess that's all it is.

Words. Letters. Meaningless phrases that no-one takes to the heart but me.

And the memories. :') Oh the memories..
We spent endless glorious days together. 316 to be exact. I wouldn't trade those memories for a thing..

Except perhaps.. Just another one of those days.

Moan over. I'm off to bed. Got a long day of rehearsals tomorrow. Then Anna's sleeping. ^^
Imi xox

whoaa this is all too fancy and scary..

So here it is. The first post.

Don't really know what to say!
Today? Well..
Today has been a longgg day XD but also very eye opening for me! Looks like I could be doing some match making this weekend ^^
..I get far too over exctied about these things.

Right. I'm off to walk the dog. For now I'll leave you with this..
Imi xox
Paris - Pegasus Bridge♥♥