Saturday, June 30, 2012

words of wisdom.

So it's a Saturday, which means one thing - photo & song of the week!

But before I get to that, I wanna share with you something I posted on my FaceBook and elaborate on it a little for everyone, as it has quite a strong message behind it.

'Just wanted to say a little something about last night.. I'm not gonna apologise, because I wasn't drunk - I remember everything that happened, and I meant every word I said - I had a break down from stress and depression. I want people to realise that this whole #supportpeoplewithdepression thing on twitter isnt just just to get more followers. Depression is an illness, not a disease. Most people seem to think that if they try to help someone who's depressed, it'll rub off and they'll get depressed too. But if everyone reached out to someone with depression, even just to ask how they are today, then there would be a lot less lives lost. It's not something someone brings upon themselves, so why treat them like that? Everyone needs help sometimes, and people shouldn't be shunned for that. Don't sit back and pretend it'll get better, talk to your friends.'

Last night was the first time since the break-up that I've seen Marko, and I thought that I was ready and was strong enough to face him, but I wasn't. And its taken a talk that went on into the early morning with the Polar Bear for me to realise that I'm not just sad or lonely, I'm depressed.
Depression is a difficult topic for a lot of people, because no-one really fully understands what to class as 'depression', and it also scares a lot of people because, like I said, people think that it'll rub off on them if they try to reach out to someone who's depressed, but in fact it's the opposite. Just talking to someone who seems down, and not even necessarily depressed, will not only make them feel loved and like they aren't alone, but it makes you realise how much you value that person in your life and you feel better for helping them. Because depression kills people. 15% of people who are depressed will commit suicide and succeed. It's not something you should be ashamed to talk about, and admit to, and I know because it's something I've tried to hide and pretend it wasn't there all my life, and that's done nothing but bad as I've self harmed and tried to kill myself several times before - something I am ashamed of.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that people that are depressed are just humans, and shouldn't be treated like a mental case. Everyone needs love, and deserves respect, and if you can't give that to a person, then its not the person with depression you should feel sorry for, it's yourself.

Well. Enough with the sad stuff, lets have some music! (sorry that there's no photo of the week, but I haven't taken anything lately!)

Well, I wanted to give you something happy today, but this is MY song of the week, and as I've needed a little cry, this has been perfect.

The Swellers - Stars


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