Wednesday, June 27, 2012

procrastination on study leave.

So if you're anything like me, you'll use anything as a way of procrastinating. But sometimes you run out of things to do. NEVER FEAR! Here's my top ten procrastination activites, in no particular order :)

1. @Queen_UK on Twitter
Seriously. That shit is HILARIOUS. She's even got a book. I want that book. Someone buy me that book. Some of her recent favourites of mine are 'One can confirm that "Big Ben" is to be renamed "Elizabeth Tower". Nick Clegg shall also be renamed "Jemima Puddle-Duck" ' and 'Someone get one a bacon, sausage and egg butty. Queen Mother of a hangover.' It's just TOO funny! Brightens up those gloomy Monday mornings ;)

Ps. It's not actually the queen - duh?!

2. Rhett and Link on Youtube
If you are yet to have the pleasure of coming across Rhett and Link's channel, YOU ARE MISSING OUT! Start with 'Rub Some Bacon On It' and never be bored again. They are a very clever and talented pair :)

3. Julian Smith on Youtube
Another very talented youtuber, this one does more comedy sketches and less music, but is also a very talented musician too. Try 'Google The Heimlich' for starters, but don't neglect Jeffrey Dallas!

4. Club Penguin
I know there's going to be a lot of people saying to themselves 'that sounds familiar..', well that's probably because Club Penguin was a MASSIVE craze about 5 years ago. It's meant to be for kids, but for procrastinating, it's actually pretty fun.

5. Tumblr
Some of you may have  heard of Tumblr, but until recently it was new to me too. Tumblr is basically a picture sharing site, and it's actually really interesting to see some of the photography and artwork that's on there. Definitely worth a visit. My tumblr is if any of you were interested :)

6. The Big Bang Theory
I've only just got into this too, and you can find a few episodes on 4oD, but YouTube is a gold mine of goodness. Trust me, watch this if you don't believe me.

7. The Sims 2/3
My name's Imogen and I'm addicted to The Sims 2. Not 3. I haven't got it, but I prefer the graphics on The Sims 2. Unfortunately this is the only one of my 10 you have to pay for, but it is WELL worth it. The Sims 3 is new so will be very expensive, but you can get 2 dirt cheap online. Anddd if you're not a computer gaming nerd like I am, they both come on almost all consoles! I don't know what it is about The Sims that's so addicting. I have friends that think I'm crazy for enjoying controlling virtual people's lives, but don't knock it 'till you've tried it!

8. Funny Junk
Most people will have heard of FunnyJunk or something similar, but it's a website where users post funny pictures or fails. Seriously, don't go to this site with a mouth full of coffee. And be warned, you may end up wanting to share EVERYTHING.

9. Mythodreas
This might be showing how lame and nerdy I am, but was once called 'Zetapets' and is a spin of of 'Neopets' and BOY is it addictive! You don't really do anything except for look after virtual pets, but if you're anything like me, you'll just want to rack up as much money as you can!

10. Stalking teachers, ex's and ex's new partners on FaceBook
Pretty self explanatory, but leads to hours of fun!

Well there you have it! Hope these keep you interested when you have better things to do!

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