Saturday, February 18, 2012

happy late valentines!

So its been a busy week at Panda towers! We've cleaned the garage out, moved the kitchen around, had carpet fitted and have been delivered a new broadband router - so no more dodgy internet!

This is just a quick little post, hoping you all had a lovely Valentine's day. I had a busy, but very interesting day. Marko surprised me while we were cleaning out the garage, with a beautiful rose, and we went swimming that evening. Didn't make too much of a fuss about it, as last Thursday was our anniversary! I can't get over that we've been together a year now.. It feels like forever, but like the time has flown by! Thinking of all the cool stuff we've done just blows my mind away.. So, inspired by Valentine's and our anniversary, this week's photo and song of the week are a bit more personal to me and Marko.

I loved this before 500 Days of Summer, and ironically, it's a perfect summer tune. Such a beautifully quirky band. This song makes me so happy.

Mumm-ra - She's Got You High

I'll finally get round to posting that DIY and get back on track with my monthly playlists in the next few days. In the meantime, hope you guys find love!

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