Friday, February 03, 2012

panda, we have internet.

Ugh. Frustrating and stressful couple of weeks! But the internet is back up and I'm pleased to announce last week's photo and video of the week, as well as an upcoming tutorial and band review/photo dump that I've had ready and waiting for when the internet came back up!

I haven't really got a lot for last week's photo of the week! The most pictures I took were of friends at a party, with the exception of thissss.. A little something two of my mates left our host's parents..

Song of the week this week is in fact two songs! They're just in parts, so really it's one long lot of loveiliness! This comes from a French band, of which me and a friend are DYING to get their new album. From the album Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix isssss..
Phoenix - Love Like A Sunset

All rights to V2 Records.

Enjoy! Will be back tomorrow with my tutorial, as well as this week's photo and song of the week.

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