Sunday, January 22, 2012

i'm useless. but this will make up for it.

But a very busy two months. And I come today baring gifts!

This actually breaks my heart that I'm able to share this with you all, as I spent a lot of money getting a hard copy of this beauty sent over from the US, but one of my all time top 3 bands Paper Route, have released their first full length album from 2009, Absence, and their brand new single, Better Life, onto NoiseTrade! So the album that I've literally worn down from playing so much, can be yours FOR FREE!

Not bitter. Honest.

I don't work with Paper Route in any way, I'm just a huge fan of such an unfairly underrated band, and in a way I'm quite sad they're releasing their music for free, but it's sooooooo good that I just can't not share it with you!
You can find the whole of Absence, plus the new single Better Life, HERE!

So now that I've made up for my absence (heh heh.. Absence..), I feel it's time to introduce you to the newest member of the little panda bear family..

My Christmas present - A Nikon L120
(Just a quick snap I took before heading off to school.. Like the Koala hat Marko brought me?)

I say 'newest addition to the family' as I'm hoping this will mean the start of a LOT more posts from me. This makes it so much easier for me to share what I've been up to, or found, so easily. So here is where I introduce 2 new features to the blog!

(Okay.. Small lie.. I couldn't decide on just ONE for the first week.. So here's four!)

This week's song of the week isssss...
Lykke Li - Get Some

All rights to LL Records.

So there we go! Both those features will be popping up on Saturdays and will be separate from any other posts during the week :)
Ending on a sad note today - Picnik is closing! I'm so sad, it was the easiest way for me to edit my photos for free.. Anyone know any alternatives?

Have a nice night!


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