Sunday, November 20, 2011


Yes, I'm still alive!

I owe you a HUGE apology, I underestimated the amount of work GCSE's would bring, but I've only got one last mock coming up, so I feel I've got time to update you on the happenings from the last couple of months!

I turned 16! I feel so different now I've finally reached that monumental age.. It's all a bit scary! I celebrated by going to Harvester with Marko and my family. Didn't have a party, but low key is my thing ;) I wanted to tell you about the most amazing present Marko made me though!

It's based on the book Q and A a day, which I read about on the Dainty Squid, but Marko has made me his own version, full of his own questions and things personal to us.. Which is the cutest thing anyone has ever, or could have ever done :')

Just noticed that in the background of that picture, you can see my new wallpaper! The room is looking amazing, I could do with some things being moved about, but I love love LOVE it! ^^ For anyone wondering, in the end we went with one wall of lime green and two of the blue, as well as raspberry pink décor. Funkayyy.

Also, I KNOW that I've missed 2 months of my monthly playlist, but I will get around to them shortly. Thinking of getting rid of the opinions, as it takes up a lot of time that I don't have! :L

FINALLY! Something I've been gagging to do for a while, the Bombay Bicycle Club review!! 

Now I've been to a great number of gigs in my time (never before with my Mum though!) but I think I would go far as to say that BBC was THE best gig I have seen ever. From where we were stood, we could see the whole of the people on the floor, and a great view of the stage, and damn you could see a lot! The crowd was a sea of people that were going insane to even the slow ballad that is Still. The huge hits like Shuffle and Always Like This saw the entire venue come alive and sing the words at the top of their lungs. It was a room of pure passion. It could've easily gone on for hours and people would just never tire. It was a perfectly picked set too. They played pretty much all of I Had The Blues.. with the exception of maybe one song? 3 tracks from Flaws and about half of A Different Kind Of Fix, as well as a b-side that frontman Steadman said only their 'hardcore fans would know'. I honestly could not fault it. Except maybe that I would've liked for it to be even louder, so I could really get absorbed in the music. But in all honesty, Bombay Bicycle Club are a band that everyone has to see live.

Will be back in a day or two with my September and October playlists!

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