Sunday, May 01, 2011

couple of things i cant get enough of..

Well as a couple of people may know, I am an Avon Representative. (wooo!)
So this post might be a bit biased, but I think it may come in handy now that summer is pretty much here!

At the moment I have been getting UNBELIEVABLE amounts of bites. I haven't been anywhere. Oh no. I'm still in my own house. My own bed. Yet I woke up this morning with six - yes.. SIX! - bites on my neck. And that's not even the start of it.
I have no idea what it is. Honestly. But it's becoming so irritating that I had to do something about it..

Spray after spray after spray.
Buzz Off and even a jungle formula insect repellent have done nothing, except suffocate ME!
But I'd seen a few articles in magazines about this stuff from Avon and I wasn't sure, but considering its so easy for me to buy (being a rep and all!) and its so cheap, I gave it a go.

Skin So Soft Dry Oil Spray is like a moisturiser. Its a dry oil spray, so you kinda spray it on, rub it in a little, and its soaked into your skin instantly and leaves your skin really soft and it smells good too! But the Soft and Fresh 'flavour' of the Dry Oil Sprays is also meant to repel off bugs - And it does!

I used it as soon as I got it, and that night I wasn't bitten at all. But then last night, I didn't, and I was bitten loads.

Its currently on sale online for £5.20, but there is ALWAYS some kind of offer on them. Usually 3 for £3 or something similar - so stock up!

The other thing I've been using a lot of recently is the Skin So Soft, Soft & Glow body moisturiser.

It's one of those gradual tanning lotions, which is great for us here in the UK where we all want a nice tan, but never get enough sun for it! But for the odd occasion when we DO get sun, its SPF 15 - which is just about enough to protect against our weather ;)

But, I was just applying it a second ago and looked at my legs to find that they were sparkling! Not like, over the top glittery, but a really nice, subtle shimmer, which is great for going out in the daytime.

Its currently on sale online for £3 , but again, its always on offer, so you can stock up on other essentials. And if you don't like cream moisturisers, it comes in a dry oil spray too.

But yeah. That's what I've been using loads of this past week. My legs are a lush colour, I'm not scratching anymore and I smell good too!

Call me biased, but Avon have really got it sometimes.

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