Thursday, July 12, 2012

summer essentials.

Wow. It's been an emotional couple of weeks. If you couldn't tell already from my twitter, I've been an emotional yo-yo. It's been hard finding good days, but I had one today and decided to go out and treat myself to some nice things! When I got home and inspected what I'd brought, I realised that I had been overly optimistic that we'll get some sun as I've got my top 3 summer essentials to share with you;

Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Conditioner
So when it comes to hair, I am completely a DIY girl. I colour it myself, style it myself and even cut it myself (because no-one knows what style you want better than you!). Recently I've decided I'm bored with my current auburn colour and want to go blonde, but to do that I need to get my hair in better condition before it's destroyed by the bleach. So I gave it a good trim today and also used thisssss for the first time!
Now, I did a lot of internet trawling before I brought this, and as cheaper products go, this came out tops, so I decided to give it a try! And oh my god it was so worth the money! Seriously, I'm so stingy its unreal, so at £4.99 I was a little reluctant to buy, but, no word of a lie, my hair feels like silk! It smells like bubblegum too. I don't use a lot of heat on my hair, but because I don't get it cut regularly and because I have an OCD think where I break strands off, my hair was in ruin, but this conditioner totally changed that. My hair hasn't been this soft in a LONG time. I'll also probably try Fantasia IC Hair Polisher too, as I've heard great things about that, but for now I'm LOVING this. Definitely a summer essential, as in my opinion, summer is the worst season for your hair. The UV damage from the sun, the dryness from all the heat and don't get me started on the chlorine from pools! This conditioner should be in everyone's suitcase.

Accessorize Nail Polishes
If there's one thing I have an unhealthy obsession with, it's nail varnishes. They make me feel so nice and I love all the pretty colours! Me and Mum spotted Accessorize had a sale on, so went in to have a look when we came across THE most BEAUTIFUL glittery nail varnishes I had ever seen. And they didn't even look tacky like some do! Plus, they were only £4, which is quite cheap in comparison to some other brands! I brought a dark blue with bits of purple called Dream and a copper colour called Molten Copper. I tried the Molten Copper first and it was amazing. So smooth and I only needed two coats to get a nice even spread of the glitter, with no patches showing! Needed a top coat to get rid of some of the roughness of the glitter particles, but its stayed put really well, so I'm pleased. I love this colour so much, it's a perfect beached bronze colour, which is a little more pink in natural light than it is in these pictures (above taken in the natural light in the car, the right taken with the flash), that has just the right amount of sparkle for partying during the night, hence why it's a summer essential!

Garnier Fructis Style Surf Hair
As I mentioned earlier, I try to do as little heat damage to my hair as possible, therefore, no hair straighteners, curlers or blow dryers! So how do I get my hair into a decent looking style you may ask? Fear not! I wash my hair in the evenings, wait 'till it's damp and put it into two French plaits. Not only does this save it from the horrors of heat and leave me with super awesome beach waves, but it means that doing my hair in the morning consists of taking the braids out and rubbing a little of the Surf Hair in it to give it more texture - which takes a grand total time of a minute! Which is PERFECT for the school rush! I've tried loads of matte clays before but this is the first one I've brought a second pot of because I love it. It's got a really nice fruity smell, doesn't leave my hair sticky (although do find myself needing to wash my hands after application) and means that I can really manipulate my style and have it stay in place. A pot of this, and some salt spray, are summer essentials as they mean that you can drop the heat stylers and give your natural hair some easy and gorgeous beachy texture.

I'd love to do an outfit post and show you this AMAZING yellow lace bodycon dress my Nan talked me into buying - I was going to! It was a tenner in the sale and looked great, I just didn't know when I'd wear it! - but I'm not sure how I'd do that, so maybe that'll pop up in a couple days? Also want to share some pictures of prom and my experience of the night, as I have officially recovered now.
G'night all!